RRC News
Venture Capital - AI
2025. Counsel of Globeholder AI for its Pre-Seed Series financing.
Globeholder AI is developing AI solutions to analyze and process geospatial data.
New Year, new Paris address
Private Equity /Cybersecurity
2023-2024. Counsel of a corporate investor for its investment in convertible bonds and its exit from a global leader in the detection and response to cyber threats.
Commercial litigation
Action en liquidation d'une astreinte attachée à une condamnation pour concurrence déloyale dans le secteur agro-alimentaire. 2024-2025. Damien Challamel
Divestiture / Security services
September 2023. Counsel to FBT Developpement in connection with the sale of Fichet Bauche Telesurveillance to a leading group in personal and property security services.
Pre-litigation advice to a French company
International commercial litigation/pharmaceutical industry: pre-litigation advice to a French company in an action arising from the breach of its distribution contracts on various continents (Europe, Asia and Africa).
Sale of a majority interest / Education and professional training
July 2022. Counsel to the founders in connection with the sale of their majority interest in HEALTH EVENTS, a growth company specializing in continuing education for doctors and medical staff.
Action en contrefaçon de droits d'auteur et de modèles communautaires non enregistrés
Représentation d’une PME dans le secteur de l'ameublement. Action en cours. 2024-2025. Damien Challamel
Actions en contrefaçon de marque et en responsabilité civile / secteur de l'évènementiel
Représentation en demande et en défense de plusieurs associations dans le cadre d'actions en contrefaçon de marque et en responsabilité civile pour atteinte à des droits antérieurs (dénominations sociales et noms de domaine). Actions actuellement en cours devant les Tribunaux judiciaires de Marseille et Paris et la Cour d'appel d'Aix-en-Provence. 2022-2025. Damien Challamel
Venture Capital / Luxury
Counsel of COURBET, the first lab-grown diamonds jeweller on Place Vendôme, for its Series A financing round.
Actions en revendication de marques et de noms de domaine / syndicat professionnel du secteur industriel
Représentation d’un syndicat professionnel (en demande et en défense) dans plusieurs actions en revendication de marque et de noms de domaine pour dépôts frauduleux. Actions actuellement en cours devant le Tribunal judiciaire de Paris et la Cour d'appel de Paris. 2021-2025. Damien Challamel
Venture Capital / Energy
Counsel of the CSR investment structure of a listed industrial group in connection with the Series A financing of Amped Innovation pbc, a California company specialized in the creation of off-grid renewable energy production and domestic use systems in developing countries.
Joint-Ventures / Energy
Counsel of a listed international group in structuring two joint ventures and negotiating the terms of strategic partnerships in the field of nuclear power plant dismantling and waste treatment.
Private Equity / Fintech
Counsel of a strategic investor in the negotiation of the terms of an investment in the management company of a CSR participatory financing platform.
Contractual liability
Representation of an author against a publisher in an action for revision for unforeseeability of more than 7/12ths and for contractual liability before the Paris Court of Appeal.
Decision commented in Communication commerce électronique, n°3, March 2021, comm.19
Domain name claim action
Domain name claim action (UDRP) before the WIPO and other online authorities.
Copyright infringement litigation
Representation of the author of a historical anthology in a copyright infringement action. Action pending before the Paris Court of Appeal.
Major French food group
Representation of a major French food group in an unfair competition dispute. Legal action before the Commercial Court of Paris and then the Paris Court of Appeal.
Trademark infringement litigation
Trademark infringement action in the event industry - Representation of a French company (as plaintiff and defendant) in a trademark infringement action. Action currently pending before the Nanterre Court of Justice
Pharmaceutical sector
Action for patent infringement before the Paris Court of Appeal in the pharmaceutical sector.
Debt collection actions
Debt collection actions for various companies (web agencies, audiovisual production companies) before commercial and judicial courts.